Yep, American whites are absolutely pure evil. This is is why we are the only nation to *give back* territories conquered by force. Examples: After resoundingly defeating the Mexicans, we not only gave back much of the territories, but purchased with with quite a bit of money, and loan/debt forgiveness the very lands groups like La Raza (literally translated "The Race", a.k.a the Mexican version of the Klan, and Hitler youth rolled into one!) claim is theirs. We did this in spite of the genocides, and organized banditry that Mexican's like Villa inflicted upon United States citizens.
Example two: When we defeated the Spanish, and liberated the Philippines we gave back the land to their own independent government, and paid them money to lease an area as a naval base (which even that we gave up in the 1990's). It was not Philippine guerrillas which got rid of the Spanish (and this is not to discount that they played a role), but US Naval power that defeated the Spanish.
In spite of the fact that we haven't yet pulled out of Iraq, and Afghanistan - they have their own independent, and democratically elected governments. Pretty far from a big bad imperial power.
I can list 12 more examples where we have done the same. The British gave up India after they were forced to, because they couldn't hold on to it. We've given up territories during times of positions of strength. We may be ruthless capitalists, but we are far from the imperialists we are accused of being. Japan has its own government, as does Germany to name a few more.
As far as Mexico goes, we still send military air to guard their southern border to this day to make them more secure. Alas, we don't do half as much to secure our own from the millions of Mexicans living here illegally.
We have made a few blunders along the way, but we've eliminated many bad regimes, and our public health efforts are responsible for roughly 1:2 Africans being alive today.
Also on that block, we didn't create AIDS to decimate Africa. This was a rumor that was started by the KGB, and fed to the populations of the third world to generate anti-American sentiment. It's still widely believed, but it makes no difference.
Far from being peaceful people who lived in harmony with the butterflies, buffalo, and other critters - the Indians attacked us several times. Despite this, many efforts were made to make peace with the various tribes. Some were successful, and some were not. No one intentionally doled out smallpox blankets. Koch's postulate didn't even exist at that time, and no one had a clue what caused smallpox.
Disease transfer was not a one way street either. The world wide spread of diseases like syphilis, and the millions of deaths every year due to the disease of addiction to tobacco are some of the gifts of the red men for the Whites, Blacks, and Asians for that matter.
Omitted from many modern history books are the histories of Indian cannibalism, scalping, the rape of enslavement of white women, white children, and even white men by those peaceful, living in harmony with the rocks Indians. Also omitted are the Indian genocides of entire towns, and the burning alive of many people by fire after the Indians have driven them into churches, and other buildings. (Oklahoma has some prime examples of this if you want to dig in older history books.)
Even in cases like the Barbary coasts -- we did not immediately launch attacks to secure shipping, and commerce. Most people only know Tripoli from the Marine corps hymn these days, but in those days the tribes of the Barbary coast regularly forced us to pay tributes (some of them totaling a million dollars a year, and more), kidnapped, murdered, and tortured merchant sailors whom the held for ransom, and generally acted as terrorist upon the seas. This is not much different from the situation off the coast of Somalia today, except the barbarians had some form of recognized government sanctioning it.
We tried to enlist the help of the French, British, and Maltese to put an end to this terrorism, but they felt it was cheaper to pay. So we went it alone, and with a minor setback or two set the standard for patrolling the seas to make the world safer for commerce. Eventually the British came on board, and the practice of kidnapping sailors for ransom became far less common. (Though it is still a problem in much of the Caribbean, and off the coast of some of the horn of Africa.)
The United States (in partnership with many nations) provides the lions share of security for ocean going vessels to make the world safe for commerce. It was primarily United States ships which went in, and cleared the mines the Iraqi's laid in the shipping channel as a case in point. Our coast guard performs thousands of rescues annually without regard to the nationality of the vessels.
Yes, we are the only nation to use nuclear weapons in open warfare. This action probably saved the lives of 10-12 million Japanese, and a half million or more Americans.
Even though the Japanese regime openly used chemical, biological warfare, massive acts of genocide in China and other places, committed war crimes far too numerous to list in this space, Americans still returned their country to their after we defeated them.
We liberated Europe not one, but thrice at the cost of billions of dollars, and millions of US casualties. We also defeated communism -- a system of government that in Russia alone claimed the lives of between 50-70 million people, and reduced much of Russia into third world status from which they are still recovering to this day. We fed much of Europe in those years after the war, and did tremendous work to try to contain disease, restore order, safe drinking water, sanitation, and funded a great deal of the infrastructure in those areas ravaged by WWII. Some of the bridges we built in WWII are *still* in use today.
At great cost to the citizens of the United States we devoted millions of men, equipment, and know how to keep Europe free from Soviet aggression for more than 40 years. We are still deeply involved in the commitment to stem communist aggression with billions of dollars of commitment to securing peace in areas like North Korea.
We provided (and continue to provide) the lions share of troops, equipment, and finance to overthrow the despotic regime of Iraq, keep the worlds oil supply flowing, and out of the hands of a tyrannical dictator that used chemical weapons against is own people. We are currently providing the lions share of support against the terrorist regime in Libya. (This does not discount the contributions of nations like France, but the reality is we have the most capable forces in the world, and unlike most European armies -- we actually spend the money to train, and equip special forces to do those dirty, nasty, and thankless jobs.)
We brought the world the vast majority of the vaccines which allow a little more than two out of five of you to read the very message I am typing now. We didn't just sit on those vaccines -- we launched a world wide effort to eradicate several diseases, some of them successfully. We are still spending vast sums of money to combat malaria, river blindness, and many other plagues upon this earth. We have efforts to try to bring safe drinking water to much of the world.
While not the first nation to try, it was whites who championed the end of the several thousand year old institution of slavery. To put some things in perspective Haiti still has slavery to this day (they call it the restavec system), and Sudan only made it illegal to pay your taxes in slaves in, I believe, 2007.
It was whites, and in large part America (who still funds this effort with more money than anyone else) whom championed the effort to end child labor in the world.
American's invented the transistor, CMOS, and countless other things which improve life all over the planet. With a little help from our British friends we also invented the internet.
We are still a breadbasket to the world. At one time we produced over 70 percent of the worlds food supply. Now that number is in the mid 30 percent range.
Examples of this: we export over 18 percent of the worlds rice (the most important staple crop) Without America's contribution to the food supply 1-2 *billion* people would starve to death.
I have admiration for the French and Dutch forces that try to bring a token level of security to parts of Africa, but there are only a few nations in the world which can handle any type of sustained effort overseas, and only one that can do it in several places at once in a moments notice.
We make mistakes, and we can't touch everything in the world that is broken (nor should we), but we remain a beacon of hope to the world, and one of the few places where free speech still exists. We've put man on the moon, more satellites into orbit than any other nation (including those responsible for GPS, the majority of communications satellites, and for weather forecasting), built railways from coast to coast, highways from coast to coast (the largest highway system in the world!), and invested in the infrastructure which has helped to make us one of the more prosperous nations in the world.
America has a lot to be proud of. In our short history we have done more to advance mankind than any other nation on this earth, and that is not a statement I make lightly, or with arrogance. The sacrifices Americans have made are not trivial in the least, both in blood, and in terms of our standard of living.
Have a coke, smile, warm up your plate in the microwave, and when you turn the lights on remember where the transformer, the generator, alternating and direct current came from, and the advances we made in physics which made that possible.
Manifest destiny? Yes, to try to bring a standard of civilization to the world. We carved it out of rock, the land, toiled and spilled much blood for it.